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What is Home

Home is where I can feel valued. I used to go to another school, and I had barely any friends except for two– Cameron and Gabriella. I miss those girls so much. Gabriella used to make me laugh so much and Cameron was always so kind. They were there for me when anything negative happened. When I came to Howard, I had no friends. My first few recesses were spent sitting all by myself on the rocks. Some of my friends were in Howard, but they were in other classes. After a couple days, I made a few friends. Some examples are Jade, Meujuak, Ghena, Ava and Nada (not all). They made me feel very valued. Home is the people you feel comfortable around such as family and friends. My family is all in Sudan except my parents and siblings. I always think of them. They have a bit of war going on there, and they are a bit poor. In summer, we are thinking of visiting them. Home is where you can be yourself without being judged and ashamed. I can be myself around my friends because we have the same humor and so much in common. We have silly humor and that’s what makes us friends. Home is the comfortable of the uncomfortable. I feel comfortable when I get home from a busy day of school and go straight to my bed. Home is when my mom cooks her ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS lasagna. That’s just some of the examples of home. They are endless.


Grade 6

Kitchener, Ontario

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