This is what home means to me. Home is what I like to think as shelter, family, Holidays, love, safety, food and water. What Holidays means to me Holidays means that I'm at home getting to see my family such a my aunt and uncle and that what Holidays mean to me. Shelter means home to me because when I think about shelter all I can think of is my house and shelter also means something that can protects me from the weather during the year. Family is something I like to think as home because we live in the same house and I like to Family because I can cook my own food. What love means to me love means a family that loves me foe how I am and a dog that loves me to. Safety is something I like to think of as home because it makes me think of like a safe place to live. Food and water is something I like to think as home because I can make me food and I can have water and I think of food and water as something that you need to live.