What Home Means to Me
Home to me, isn't just a building you live in. Home is a place you make memories, a place you connect with your family, the memories and bonds you have with your family make the foundation of your home!
Some people believe that your home is just a safe place you live in, but a home doesn't just hold memories and bonds, it also holds smudges and marks, not every home stays perfect forever!
Home to me also means looking out the window and watching the birds fly by, it means going outside and seeing all of my chickens, it means baking chocolate chip cookies with my family on a Christmas Eve night! Home is our comfort zone where you can just be yourself, it doesn’t matter the size or the colour, if it's a fancy home or a not so fancy home, your home is your shelter that you share with your loved ones and enjoy with friends!
If you are happy and bring good vibes into your home, the people and loved ones you live with feel the same way as you, so it creates a nice and peaceful atmosphere in your home, but if you are upset and angry, don’t take it out on any of your loved ones, because it can create fights and you could fall out with your loved ones/friends. It could make you sad or lonely, that could make home seem not so happy and peaceful.
The reason I wrote about bringing bad vibes into your home with your loved ones is because sometimes I bring bad vibes into my home and it sometimes creates arguments between my mom, dad and siblings, and it can ruin my day, and I would be upset. But when I am happy and handle my anger properly, it makes my day a lot better and I also can make my family feel happier by just controlling my anger the right way, that makes home feel a lot better than it does on some days!
When I am sad, my family and friends are always there for me and make me feel better so when I am the same to them, it makes home feel extra comforting and peaceful!
Thank you so much to Habitat For Humanity for this opportunity to write about what home means to me, and I'm sure other people that are also part of this contest think so too!
And thanks to Habitat For Humanity for giving people affordable appliances and homes!