Home means alot of things to me.
Home means a lot of things to me.
Home is a place where people love you and you can't really find anywhere else.
Home is special as it has everything you love which you can't always find anywhere else.
I call home a place for crafts,have fun,watch TV, and most important your family is
always there.
Home feels like comfort, when I'm home I'm always happy and it is amazing to have a peace of mind that I am always going to have something to do never board, scared, feel alone because I always have my home to comfort me.
Home feels like a calm positive place.
Home is my family Mom, Dad little brother.
Whereever I am, if my family is with me I feel like I have a home.
This is what home means to me.
And i want to write a little poem
A house is made of bricks and beams a home is made of love and dreams.
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