Home to me smells like something fresh out of the oven or fresh of the stove
Something that tastes as good as it smells
Trying out new recipes and trying to make our own.
All the measuring cups full of flour, salt, and sugar that I dip my finger into and lick it
Home to me tastes like scheduled breakfasts and makeshift lunches
Hard and crunchy cookies that taste so good but are so hard on the teeth
The sliced cheddar cheese that almost disappears into the bread when I microwave it
Home to me feels like a battered bear that I have had for my whole nine years of life
The nice smooth polished wood under my feet
The soft duvet that lures me to sleep
Home to me looks old, but new
With small water marks and frost on the windows
Like many walls with only one coat of paint
Carpet that my feet sink into and the amazing rooms that were designed before I was born
Home to me sounds so peaceful when my dad and brother are at a hockey game
Sounds like a radio alarm clocks that play the radio in the morning to wake me up but wake up the whole family
Home is my happy place that lets me be me,
Where I have my happy and sad memories
That is why I hope that everyone can get a home
Big or small
Wide or thin
That makes them feel happy.