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You live in a house, but a home is much, much more than that. From watching the sun rise every morning, to laughing at an old comedy with my family. Home is the best place to be. Home, a place where I feel loved, hope, and peace. When I’m home I am capable of love and being loved. Home is the best place to be. Home isn’t a place it’s a feeling. That feeling is the best feeling to have. It feels like love when I’m sad. And hope when things seem hopeless. And peace when I need it. That’s why home is the best feeling to have. Home. A place where all families should come together over and share a little love. I think everybody deserves a home. If I could give so many people homes, I absolutely would. Everyone needs love. That I know. And the main ingredient of a home is love. It doesn’t matter where you live, it matters how it feels to live there. When it comes to houses you need a family to turn it into a home. Your family is the tape to fix your tear. You need them and they need you. Your family is a big circle of love. Families are really important. Home. The place where you belong.


Grade 4

Leamington, Ontario

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