Home is like your stronghold. It keeps you safe.
Home is where you can be you and I can be me.
Home is a place where you can eat, drink, sleep and be with family.
Home should be for everyone but for some people home isn’t there, for some people home
is too expensive. For some people home doesn’t feel right. For some people home isn’t safe
and that’s not right! Home should be feel safe and shouldn’t be so expensive. Home should
be there, and home should feel right. Thats why I wrote this, to help all those people that
don’t feel right or have a home.
I am blessed to have all that I have and want to help as much as I can.
I want a better future for all the people who aren’t as lucky as me.
All people deserve a home that they want and need.
Let's make it that way, together as one street, community, city, province, country!