Meaning of Home
I am going to be talking about why I feel safe at home and why I love my home. Before I start, do you have a nice house? Is it big or small and how long have you lived there? Why is our home so important? It is where you will be first taught on how to be good and it is where you can find the true happiness of your life.
Whenever I'm sick my family lets me stay home and they make us so much healthy foods, Ex: soup, tea and more…Whenever there is a big test they always help me.They teach me,they show me strategies to help me remember the lessons, I love them so much. Did you know that I have to wear a mask so I dont get sick? So that if I get sick it won’t be that bad [it works]. I know they care for me a lot because they get so worried about little things, they don't want me getting hurt or sick, which sometimes I don’t like but I thank them for that, because of their care I am healthy and
(indentation, transition word)
My parents are always willing to play with me. I always have someone to play with and that is my… -BROTHER. We play so many games like chess, uno and way more. It is nice having someone to play with no matter how much we fight, that's what happens when you have a sibling. I love my home because we have these things that on weekends we sing karaoke and watch a nice movie, but sometimes horror movies are not the best to watch at night. There is this series that I watch, it is a bit scary and it is called Van Helsing. I recommend it, it’s about vampires, though you need a pillow beside you to cover your eyes on those scary scenes
That's me-I always do that!-I am a proud scaredy cat!
Here’s a fact, before we bought our house where I live now we had to stay for a couple of years in my Aunts house. As soon as we arrived in Canada from the Philippines we first stayed at my Aunt Jenny’s house, the 3rd oldest of the sisters, for a year and a half. I was just 1 year old at the time and I don’t have many memories of it. Then the next five months we stayed in our Aunt Anna’s home, the 2nd to the youngest of the sisters (my mom was the youngest by the way). I know it is not easy for my parents to not have our own place but my Aunts did not make it hard for us, they were very supportive and caring. The next thing you know, we already have our own house, a HOME which is full of love and laughter. I am proud of my HOME because it helped me become who I am today.
Ok looks like it is time to say goodbye!
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