The Meaning of Home
Home is somewhere I can colour, draw, and use my imagination. When I draw, I'm in my quiet place. It feels peaceful when I colour. When I'm frustrated, I go to my colouring desk and make a sketch. I love the smell of a brand-new markers and I like the sound of the cap when I take it off the marker.
A home is a place where I can enjoy the beat of a song and the voice of someone singing. I usually listen to music when I draw or when I'm working out. I love the flow of the songs I listen to, and I like the the rhymes the people say in the song. My favourite time to listen to music is in the car.
A home is somewhere you can watch movies or tv shows with your family or friends. You can watch comedy, action, horror or adventure movies. I mostly watch movies on the weekend with my family before I get tired and go to sleep.
A home should always have a smell and to me that smell is a fresh steak out of the air frier and the spicey smell of hot sauce on the side. My favourite smell is when I wake up and the whole house is smelling like bacon. My stomach starts to rumble. One of last smells I love in my home is when I come home, and my mom has cleaned the whole house.
And that is the meaning of home to me.
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