Home Can Be Anywhere
Home to me is a place where I feel loved.
Home is a place where I am not judged.
Home is a place where I get hugged.
Home is in my heart.
In my home I do not feel lonely. Home is also a place where I feel safe. Home can mean family members like my mom, dad, sister, and brother.
Home also means making memories.
Home can also mean my mom’s favourite recipes.
Home is the sound of my little sister singing.
Home is a place of giving and forgiving.
My home is a place that I will cherish forever. Home doesn’t have to be a house it can be anything as long as you value it. Home can also mean celebrating cultures, like going to church, reading the Holy Bible, or praying to God.
Thank you to Habitat for Humanity for giving me the opportunity to donate to people in need.
I love my home.
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