The Perfect Home for Me
A shell is a home for a snail,
A nest is a home for a bird,
The ocean is a home for schools of fish and families of dolphins.
To me, home is hearing my family’s laughter and joy filling a room
Under a roof, in my house, a place where I am safe and sound.
Where I comfortably rest my head for the day
A place where I can sing and play.
The taste of steamy, plump dumplings in my kitchen on Lunar New Year.
Home is the familiar smell of my father barbequing on a sweltering summer day.
The sun houses heat and warmth,
The sky's a home for the clouds,
The forest is home for the trees,
A place where I feel belonging and loved, this is the perfect home for me.
When I’m sad or mad or even scared, I know that home will always be there.
Home is where I was born
Where I learned to walk, run and play
The echo of voices billowing through the hallways.
My home may not be the biggest, it may not even be the most charming
Yet, it wraps me in joy like a cozy blanket,
It's not the the brick or the grass on the lawn that’s home
But what matters the most is what’s inside of it
The people, the music, the laughter, and the unconditional love,
To me this is what makes home,