Home feels to you
I had a home
it was nice and warm until
It got taken away from me and then I was gone
I never came back
due to a shelter Dude was gross the walls were gross but
I feel as with my mom I would have been happy
I lived there for 3 years wasn't happy so
I moved to my dad's
my dad can pay
My dad had a good job but he was not often here.
The home was nice like my old home
but if I was happy that would have been happy
2 Days Later I got my stuff then we played all night long
my dad worked not often but the weekends he had too.
How to help people
They probably had a home
But it got taken away Prices went so High as the hydro did
You live in the streets they need some money
and see when outside the Walmart so I gave him some money
went inside bought some shoes got some socks and need some new clothes a nice coat for the rain
and guitar to keep me company
How I feel when I'm homeless
I feel sick I felt sad couldn't see my mom and couldn't see my dog
at the house it was a nice warm bed and air conditioner blowing on my head