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What is home?

Home is somewhere you make most of your memories. It is where most people took their first step and where people had their first birthday. Home is way more than just a structure, it’s somewhere you play, sleep, learn, love, and grow. It’s somewhere you feel comfortable and happy. It does not matter if you live in a mansion or a little apartment- it matters if you have a home. There are some people that don’t have home at night, they have to sleep on benches and at bus stops and that is not right. I believe that everyone should have a home. Home is somewhere you can feel safe from weather. It’s somewhere most people are happy to get back to at the end of the day. It’s a place to block out all the craziness of your day. Remember, home does not have to be in one place, it can be in many places- like a place you go to almost every day.


Grade 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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