H. Home is when you feel loved and happy. But you can be sad too!
O. Our lives are very lucky. Some people don’t have lives like ours.
M. Meaning of Home helps people get homes they need. This contest is quite important.
E. Every person that lives in your house is important. Respect everyone, home or no home.
This is my simple, yet extraordinary life at my home...
I hop out of the car and step into my house. My dog greets me with a tail wag and a few licks. I walk upstairs after I greet everyone with a warm hug. I can smell the chicken my mum’s cooking from my room! She calls my family to the table to eat. As I eat, I feel grateful for the easy food. Some people don’t have this simple, great life. After we feed our dog and my lizard, we get free time. Then we go to bed and restart.
This is home to me.