My Perfect Home
My Perfect Home is my grandma's house because I feel very safe and happy there. It's by a massive forest. And has a gravel driveway with a big fireplace outside it has some cameras on her roof and on her massive shed it's also hooked up to her TV. She has a massive and very exquisite garden with lots of beautiful and exquisite plants and vegetables there. Also there are quite beautiful toads and some frogs there as well. Sometimes she has a quite unique pond there too. It's very beautiful. And my grandma has a very big and fast quad at her house. She sometimes lets me go outside to ride the quad bye myself but she's there outside with me and then we go to sleep and sometimes we do work in her garden like picking tomatoes and zucchinis and peppers and corn and l think cauliflower and we also water her plants to obviously then l go and try to find frogs or toads or maybe even some birds sometimes but if l do find some frogs or toads l just watch them hop away i don't chase them I love the smell at my grandmas house it smells very pretty and beautiful to me. I love the comfortable chair she has there even though she has three but who cares.
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