I Love My Home Because...
I love my home.
I love that I have a home to go to after school, but some people don’t have a home and that makes me feel sad. So, I am writing this to help someone have a home to live in, feel loved in, and be happy.
I love that I have a warm and comfy bed to sleep in at night, a couch to watch T.V with my family and a stove to cook delicious meals.
I love that I can go on bike rides with my family, go grocery shopping with my family, and go for a drive in the car get some food and play Pokémon Go at the same.
I love that I do not have to dress perfectly like I am going to a fashion show and that I do not have to ask to do things as if I were at a friend’s house.
I love that I can wear my pj’s all day, dance around and be all crazy, be as loud as I want, make my own food and jump on my bed.
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