Home to me is a house with memories with the people that you love.
Memories like me and my Uncle playing outside building a snow fort.
My Auntie calling us in to drink some hot coco.
All of us watching a movie or two in the living room.
Home to me is a house with memories with the people that you love.
Memories like the time I rode my bike with my training wheels for the first time.
My family cheering my name and that is the happiest I’ve ever felt.
Then my Dad took them off and gave me one last push, and I rode that bike!
Home to me is a house with memories with the people that you love.
Memories of all the pinatas we’ve hung from the tree in the front yard.
Memories of how I say to hi to new neighbour, to new neighbour, to new neighbour.
They always seem to get nicer and nicer.
Home to me is a house with memories with the people that you love.
My old house is empty now and it makes me sad.
Getting in the car and taking my last look at the house makes me happy and sad.
Some other family will have it but when I see the new house I am happy all over again.
Now I can make new memories.
I think about the new family and that maybe their daughter will be the one to ride the bike.
I will give her the final push!