To me house means, structure, coverage, wood, glass and metal. Home means love, warmth, kindness, happiness, and hope. I live in the country and when I'm close to home I get a fuzzy warm feeling because I’m almost home, to my safe place, where I belong. Home is such a little word that can mean so much, so home is my safe place, with my parents, the rest of my family and my friends. Sure, sometimes you get into arguments with your friends and family, but they forgive you and you forgive them, which is the important thing. I'm so lucky to have friends and family that love me. I feel so bad for the people who don’t. Not having comfort or a safe place to live would feel and be horrible because home and house are both important. You don’t have to have a house to have a home. That’s why I'm so happy that Habitat for Humanity does what it does. Rain or shine, nothing can tear down a home. A house on the other hand; lots can tear it down. I like my house but I love my home and you probably love yours too. Home has a unique special fuzzy feeling. Yours probably has one too but every single one is different.