Why you should be grateful
Well you have a home to go to and some people don’t have a home to go to. They live on the streets and back lanes and alleyways and they need food. a home to go to like you because you have a home and food and tvs, phones, ipads, computers and a lot more that they don’t have.
You should be grateful for what you have and be grateful for the things you have and family and
friends you have.
And homeless people don’t have much to give but they are still grateful because god is up in the sky with us to encourage us to try new things
Homeless people became homeless because they had a lot of hardships and a lot of losses in there lives.
They became homeless because they became depressed.
But some homeless people encourage themselves to try new things.
Even for some homeless people, their brothers and sisters and mom and dad and grandma don’t care about them. Maybe that’s why some people are homeless ?
Some people, if they are girls, became pregnant before becoming homeless.
And there are some homeless cats and dogs.
And there are some homeless kid with their family on the streets and some kids are on their own.
And some people have cats and dogs on the streets with them or different animals on the streets with them.
And when the kids are on their own they can get scared of men and women when they are on their own or they can just get scared.
There are some nice people and some mean people.
That’s why you should be grateful for what you have and the family you have and friends that’s why you should be grateful for what you have.
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