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What Home Means to Me

What home means to me We are learning about Homes, first we will learn that homes are not always objects, then it is that homes feel safe, and last but most important “Home is where the heart is.” So, homes are not always objects, lots of people do not know this but to some people a home is just to sit beside family. People also get house and home confused. People should also stop calling “homeless people” houseless because they have a home. Just taking a guess here but to you a home is a safe place. Am I right? To me a home is a safe place to relax during hard times. Home is where the heart is. Am I right? It is nice to have a home with a family. A home is love. Have you ever heard the phrase “Home is where the heart is”? Isn't it a beautiful phrase. Now that you have learned all that what are you going to do?


Grade 6

Dauphin, Manitoba

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