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I Don’t Want a House, I Want a Home

I don’t want a house, I want a home. A home where I can feel open. A home where I can feel loved. A family I feel safe with. A family I can laugh with and can be honest with. A place I feel like I can talk about my feelings no matter what, and feel all of the emotions that exist. A place where I can spend all the time I have with my beautiful family, and make sure my parents take time for themselves. It’s the beautiful smell of our homemade chocolate chip cookies, and the beautiful lavender smell in our classroom. It’s the delicious taste of alfredo noodles in my lunch, and the fresh smells in forest topping off with birds chirping. It’s the noise of my little brother laughing at my little puppy, and the noise of fresh popcorn popping with hot melted butter poured on. It’s the noise of everyone laughing, and spending time together. I think everybody should have a home, not a house. A home makes you feel welcome, like you belong there.


Grade 5

Kitchener, Ontario

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