Home Is Happiness
H - Happy memories that I can remember with my family.
O - Objective clean our home Sundays.
M - My dogs Cleo and Milkyway welcome me home each day by jumping on me and licking me
E - Exciting board game Fridays with my family.
I - Interacting meaningfully with my loved ones at home.
S - Solving problems together like when my door broke and kept falling off the hinges.
H - Happiness from my parents supporting me.
A - An apple tree in my backyard and they are so juicy and delicious.
P - Parkour bricks in my basement to set up challenging obstacle courses.
P - Practicing my piano lessons with my parents at home.
I - I can be myself at home.
N - Name wall where we write our names in cursive.
E - Electrical lights that I coded with circuits.
S - Sadness doesn't live long in my home.
S - Safe and joyous place to live.
By: Alexander Priestley