My Home
My Home
By- Katherine Clark
I used to live in a blocky structure that me and my family called home. In that home, we all lived through lots of different happy and sad moments, crazy and boring days and positive and negative times. My home had been with me and my family since I was 2. We were the first owners so we could colour the walls whatever colour we wanted, and that's how my colourful house came to be, after that, that house was no longer a blocky structure, it would come to be a warm home where I made lots of different memories. Each day that I lived there, more and more memories came to be. It was there with me on my first day of 1st grade and my last day of 5th grade. I have lived in that house for most of my life. To other people, it might just be a blocky structure in which a family of 3 lives, but to me, that blocky structure is my home.