What home means to me
What comes to mind when you think of home? When I think of home, safety and comfort come to my mind. I feel safe to do or say what I want without being judged. I feel comfort because I know that no matter what my family and friends will stand by my side.
When I think of home I also think of the barn where I ride, it is like my second home. I don't just ride horses there I feel comfortable and happy. The people there are kind and caring, the horses are sweet and loving. When I am at the barn I’m happy because people don’t make fun of me for liking horses, and whenever I am sad the pony that I ride named Jackson always finds a way to cheer me up. That might sound silly but it is true and it makes me happy.
I am happy to be a part of the meaning of home contest. Sure there are prizes but, I am really excited to make a difference. I am happy to help people get homes so that they are able to have a home just like mine.