Home to Me
Getting up in the morning, looking outside, seeing the birds flying, and the tree
leaves swaying in the breeze. My bird kiwi flying around the house in a good
mood. I say good morning to her and get ready. The smell of fresh sizzling bacon
on the stove downstairs makes my mouth water. Walking down my curved
staircase and a thud with every step makes me feel great that I have a roof over
my head.
My dad watching the television on the couch waving hello and good morning to
me. My mom in the kitchen making pancakes to go with the bacon for me and my
dad, telling me good morning and to have a seat at the breakfast table. My mom
gives me the plate of food and the fresh bacon is still sizzling on the plate. I grab
my phone later and text my best friend to see if she wants to call. When she says
yes, I feel a spark of joy go through my heart. When I'm off the call my mom calls
me to come downstairs. Me and my family were going to watch a movie together.
Home is where your things are, where your family is, where your friends are, and
where you feel like yourself.
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