Home Like A Dream
Home is not something I can see, yet still the thought of it comforts me.
It’s where I’m with my loving and caring mother, my sisters, and brothers.
Where there is a roof over my head, I can be all snug in my warm bed.
Though my parents are apart, my love for them both is deep in my heart.
I enjoy tasting and baking brownies or cakes with my mother and playing games with my brother.
It’s also where I feed my pet fish with a wish of my family together forever.
Home is where love lasts a little longer, and family bond is a little stronger.
There is sweet smelling syrup from maple trees, with leaves red, orange, and green. They dance with the wind as it whistles softly through the streets.
I can hear the sound of the clock ticking, and my keyboard clicking, as I type this poem about my home.
This is only a small part of how I feel, but I know my home is real.