My Home is the Best
Home is a place where I live. Everyone should deserve a home. Your home may be new may be old. And you may live in an apartment, cottage, cabin or even a treehouse. Other people may think your house is ugly, but you still think it is neat. In your house you can feel mad, sad or happy. In my house the main thing I feel is SAFE! Home is always a safe place for me. And my feels happy, safe, warm, Cozy and homey. In my house I might fight with my siblings or cry, smile and even laugh. My siblings might be mean, or I might be mean but at the end we are all together. I love my home so much. In my house I have food to eat and water or something to drink. And when it is cold stormy or even windy, I can be inside a home Cozy and warm. And my home smells delicious why because of my mom`s baking. Your home may not smell like baking it might smell like candles or something else. Home should be a safe place for EVERYBODY! And in my home, I have a bed to sleep in. And I am lucky that I have a home. In my home I just like to draw or play in my room all on my own. Everybody in this world deserves a home.
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