Home to Me
Home to me is a little place I love the best
Like a little white bird house on the ground
Around the dirt, the grass and the trees
Around animals and insects like rabbits, mice and bees
All through summer best time of wind free
The smell of nature brings to me
All through July day
I catch the scent of new-mown hay
The big long time of summer day
The night time fades as the sun climbs up
The clouds comes in all crumbled up
As I go to a window to see outside
To see what nature comes to hide
When I come from school on my way home
I go inside to feel the warm air
I come to my room to lie on my bed
To see a roof over my head
Home to me are families and friends
Food, comfort, and holding hands
Better than treasures brought from Rome
Are lively pictures you see at home
My grandpa aged with frosted hair
My grandma's face, like a painting rare
Home is a place but also something else
Like friends and pets and special things like bells
Home is a place full of comfort
home to me is my friends and everyone else
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