Home is Special
You may ask “What’s so important about home anyways?”
Well, there are lots of reasons why!!
Home is special in many ways because…
Home is home.
Home is where you make memories good and bad.
Home makes you feel safe and comfortable and if you ever feel
unsafe and uncomfortable that’s okay too because not
everyone has a perfect life at home and outside of home.
Home is quiet and loud, calm and crazy!!
Home has all sorts of emotions! That’s why home is so
important! Nothing is the same as others! Home is just special.
Sometimes you may feel unhappy with your home, and that’s
okay! You may not even live in a home and that’s not good.
But I’m sure someday you will! I promise! Trust me!
There’s no perfect home! EVER!!
Because your home is good enough for you
And if you don’t have one, I’m sure you will soon :)
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