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The Meaning of Home

I feel warm when I walk into my home when I come back from being out and about. When I walk in my baby sister sometimes gets all mad that Scarlett and I are at the door.This makes me happy and it is funny. I love when me and my mom play a clapping game like don't break the window or lemonade crunchy ice or just clap. Something else that we do is do puzzles and sometimes by that I mean every time we do it at night Emmy wakes up from a nap/sleep. A home is supposed to feel like a place where you belong. We are lucky because some people do not get a home like we do. Some people don't get people to call home. My nannie, pop, nana, pop, father, mother, sister, Aunts, Uncle's, cousin and friends with them I feel safe and welcome. This is how I think a home or the people that make a home are supposed to make you feel. The difference between a home and a house is that a house is in one place but a home is everywhere. A house is a place where you sleep and eat and clean up but home is where you are welcome and safe. If you feel sad, a home will make you feel better. A house will make you better but not as good as a home. A home is everywhere you look but a house is in one place. That is the difference between a house and home.


Grade 5

Cambridge, Ontario

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