A Recipe For Making a House a Home
A Recipe For Making a House A Home
Ingredients Required:
1 cup of everlasting love
A full cup of amazing memories!
A bowl full of protection and safeness
A cup of comfort and coziness
Procedure for Turning a House into a Home:
First, you will need everlasting love. How you get love is by spending time with your family and best friends. When you get 1 cup of love you can put the love into a medium size bowl.
Next, you will need some amazing memories! You will need to make a lot of amazing memories to make a home. When you have a cup of amazing memories you can pour the memories into the same bowl you put the everlasting love.
3. Then mix a bowl of protection and safety into the bowl with the other ingredients.
You want to make sure protection and safety are mixed in very well.
4. Mix and stir in comfort and coziness for your home. A cup of comfort and coziness in the bowl will ensure things run smoothly and will always get you through some rocky road times too!
Let your mixture set for a bit and then put it into the oven and you got yourself a perfect home.
Enjoy! Make Memories! Stay Safe & Don’t forget to spread the love to your family and friends.
5. Lastly, remember to thank organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, for building homes for people in our amazing community!
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