Nala's Way Home
Once upon a time there was a cat. A cat whose home was inside a small box. Her name was Nala. She had 5 small kittens but her home wasn’t enough in this big, busy city. One day there was a storm. Nala cuddled her babies to sleep and left. She needed to find a better home. She looked in the windows of every home and heard laughter and hot foods on the table and lots of toys with children but still no home that could suit her family. She looked in another house. It was a small tent on the road. There was no food, no laughter and one child and a mother cuddling each other to sleep in the storm just like Nala. She felt sorry that they didn't have a box like her but she had an idea. Nala ran back home and got her small family with the box and walked back there. She meowed at the tent and the small child opened the tent door and smiled. Then there was laughter. The mother came and picked up the box and looked inside. She smiled at the kittens and brought them in the small tent on the grass near the road. The small family became a big family.
Soon later, the kittens grew into cats and the child grew into a big child and the tent grew into a small apartment. But the apartment didn't have hot food, toys and small laughter. It had more than that. It had the best, most caring and loving family.