What is Home?
Home is a place filled with love and joy,
A place where I can play with my friends and my family.
Home is where foods and drinks are provided,
The taste of scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast,
The taste of pasta with sauce for lunch,
And the taste of hamburgers and fries for dinner.
Home is where I can watch anything I want,
Movies, shows, youtube and more!
Staying up all night watching movies that people worked hard to make.
Home is where I can play in the snow,
I can make snowmen and snow angels,
Have snowball fights with my friends
And build igloos or houses for fun!
Home is where I can learn and make friends,
Teachers that teach you and friends that play with you.
Home is where I feel confident and strong,
Home is where I can feel safe and not be judged.
Home is where I am comfortable and loved,
Sit and relax all day,
Play games and call my friends.
Home is something I am grateful for and appreciate.
I can do anything and everything.
Home is our family and friends,
A variety of activities to do,
Clothes to wear,
Pencils and papers to write and draw,