The Real Meaning of Home
A home is where you feel loved, happy, respected, cared for, comforted and worthy. It's where
you can be yourself and feel worthy of what you achieve. You can learn to trust and love. You
have a loving family and you can feel safe and learn to trust.You also have your belongings and
memories that are unforgettable. A home is where you have happiness and your family’s support. You can also be free and do what you want with only a few roles. In a home you feel
like you belong, and no matter where you are a home is not just a place but the people you are
with. Sometimes in a home when you come back from school and you smell fresh cookies
baking in the oven made by your family, you feel loved and cared for. A home is where you
feel comfortable talking about your feelings/emotions and do not feel embarrassed. It’s where you have a nice warm bed and you can sleep without waking up in the middle of the night because you are scared of something hiding in your closet and you feel safe with your family. You have home cooked meals always made with so much love from your family.
That is what a home is to me!