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My Meaning of Home

My meaning of home is a place where you can be yourself and feel loved by people around you. My meaning of home is where you can feel comfortable and safe surrounded by family, friends, and pets. When I get hurt or I'm sad, guess who is there? My family is! Yes, sometimes we all get in fights but that’s family. My family is the reason I'm still going as far as I am now. I feel happy and excited knowing that when I come home my mum will ask how my day went, if I'm hungry etc. My youngest sister will ask if she can hang out with me. My younger brother always wants to fight with me, trying to prove hes stronger than me (which he is not). Finally, my older sisters ask to play Roblox with me. I feel appreciated when I'm at home, I feel safe when I'm at home. You're supposed to feel those things at home. Your home doesn’t have to be big or fancy, or any of those things! It's your job to make it feel like home. My meaning of home is...well, I think I explained it enough already. I wanted to share with you why home is so special, I think I succeeded.


Grade 5

Brockville, Ontario

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