My feelings for home
Happy, on a frosty cold day drinking hot chocolate sitting on my couch watching tv.
Happy, munching on delicious popsicles trying to cool off when its melting hot
and trying to stop my popsicle from melting on a beautiful summer day.
Happy, when my friends come to my house, we have so much fun, we laugh
till we get tired.
Sad, when someone yells at me till I burst out in tears.
Sad, when my best friend is moving, I cry on to my bed trying to let all the sadness out.
Sad, when my pet dies, I feel lonely, I cry on my stuffy till I know that I'm alright.
Mad, when my parents tell me to make my bed in the morning, I feel lazy but I still end up listening to my parents.
Mad, when I can't accomplish something or it's too hard, I feel like I just want to give up so I lay flat on my bed in frustration.
Mad, when I have to go to bed when I’m doing something, I feel mad.
But sometimes I realize I should be grateful for the things that happen and I am very grateful for a home because not everybody has a home like I do.