A Haiku to Home
One day I left home.
I fought tears, I wept and sobbed.
Until I looked back, sad.
I looked ahead and smiled.
A new house would be my home.
A new home to love.
I live in a house.
But thrive at home, family.
My sanctuary.
A home where I learn.
I live, and grin, cry and laugh.
My security.
One day I went home.
Where my people care for me
And never leave me.
I hope that children
Without homes can feel like this.
These special feelings
But a charity,
Like this unique one,
Can and will change things
So for those hopeful
Children, staring at houses
Through all the windows,
Don't give up your hope,
Your unique Humanity.
To love, thrive and learn.
Thank you, Habitat
For Humanity, for your
Life changing project.