Home is Home

Home is Home To me home means a place where worrying about things like being bullied or judged because of the way you act doesn't matter because your family loves you more than anyone else in this world. Home isn't just walls, a roof and floors, it's a safe space where you can express yourself and feel like you’re always loved. You should never wish away time with your family because life is short and it's important to spend time with the people you love and for me that's my family. Home is where I can make memories with my family and home is also a place where you can get away from everyone and just feel safe and respected. You can relax and not worry about what's going on out there in the world. You can take a break from all the pressures in the safety of your home. Some people don't have a house but everyone has a home and it doesn't matter because you can be anywhere or live anywhere and you will have a home because your home is made out of the people you love and that's what home is all about. I'm so thankful to have the Opportunity to share my Thoughts and feelings With the world I hope That one day everyone Have a place to call Home


Grade 6

Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador

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