My Full Home
My home is full with family and friends
No matter who goes or stays
The love of those will always shine bright.
Together we go,
losing and gaining
The tears we shed,
The love we share and the ears we open.
My home is my family and friends,
Together we respect, and together we’ll stay.
My mother & father who taught me so much
We stand together loving each other
No matter what conflicts run wild,
Weather its playing cards,
Or disagreements,
We always go back to respecting and loving each other.
My sister & brother,
My sister may be small but she sure is a handful.
My brother may be big but he is my best friend.
No matter how long we are away
We are together,
Sharing thoughts,
Missing each other and caring
We are together.
My friends,
My friends are the best,
They help me through everything,
They make me feel comfortable,
happy with myself
Not all my friends last,
But the ones that stay are truly real.
My dog,
My dog is my world,
Not everyone has one,
Nor a pet overall.
She knows when i'm sad,
Knowing when i need love,
My dog is my favorite,
Always there,
Ready when I get home from school.
Waiting for me when I'm gone.
I love her.
That is my home.
My house may have walls,
And more.
But this is my home.
My family and friends
They make my life,
They make up my happiness and more.
I am happy with my home,
Surrounded by the people i love,
The people that make me happy.
That is my home,
Home to me.
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