The Meaning of Home
The Meaning of Home
By: Mason Brook
The meaning of home for me is a bit more than walls, doors and a roof. Don’t get me wrong, those are important things, but I think it’s more about what’s inside. I know that you must get thousands of the same things like "It’s more than just a building" stuff, so I’ll try and make mine memorable. I find myself extremely lucky to have a family and a place to live. I have a space to grow and learn and develop. In my class, there are jokes about mansions and palaces, but as long as your family and loved ones are there, it doesn’t matter so much how fancy the building is.
I am eager to submit this entry in the hopes that maybe the money I donate will change somebody’s life and let them enjoy the experience of walking through the door into the arms of their wonderful family, such as my mom, dad, two brothers, and baby sister.
I am grateful for what I have and wish that I could share what I have with those who need it. By entering this contest, maybe I could help and provide something to a person’s life, or perhaps hundreds of people's lives.
Thank you for all that you do, Habitat for Humanity.
Mason Brook
Grade 6, Hebrew Academy Montreal.