Oh Home
Oh Home, home , home , home
Oh home, what do you mean?
What can it mean to people without homes?
What can it mean to people with homes
Oh what is home?
Is home a safe place?
Is home a place where I can be myself?
Oh home
Home can be a lot of different things
What home means to people with homes
Home is a safe place
Home is a happy place
Home is somewhere where you can feel wanted
Home is somewhere you can be yourself
Home is a place where you can relax and not be stressed
Home is a nice place
Home has food
Home has water
Home has family
Home has friends
Home is the place you live
Oh home
What does home mean to you?
Home to me means
A loving family
A great place to live
A place where I can be fed
A place where I can have a great life
A place to be grateful of
Oh home
What do people without a home think?
Do they hate life?
Do they wish they were dead?
What if I was homeless
Would I hate life?
Would I wish I would be dead?
Oh home
What do you mean?
Why are you so complicated?
Why can’t you be simple like everything else?
Why are you like a puzzle?
Why do you make me confused?
Why can’t you come with instructions?
Oh home, why?
Why must you be like this?
Why can’t everyone have a home?
Oh home.
The end