What Is Home?
Hello everyone and today we are going to talk about the topic home. NO, not where you live, home. Home is where the people you love are. Physically, mentally, anytime, anywhere, they’re going to cheer you on. Whether you’re going to play a game, or you’re going for a job interview, THEY’VE GOT YOU’RE BACK!
You can ask someone what home to them is, but it won’t be the same as your own. Everyone can’t be part of your home, so you must be wise and pick family carefully. What's this? An unfamiliar word! Family are the people that love you and care for you. It's pretty much the same meaning as home.
Some people might pretend to be your family. They’ll tell you to do some stuff that are bad, but they’ll say it’s cool. Family, however, will do whatever it takes to make you happy. Even if it means sacrificing their life for you. I want you to know that your family and home are everything, and that you are nothing without them.