My Grandfather and I are connected.
We share the same family.
We share the same love.
We share a feeling of HOME.
But we don’t have too much in common.
We didn’t grow up in the same country.
We don’t speak the same language.
We don’t eat the same food or wear the same kinds of clothing.
He was an immigrant.
I am a third generation Canadian.
Still, we do have some things in common.
We both love nature.
We both love to read.
We both show how we care in our own special ways.
He gives me trinkets.
I draw him pictures.
My Grandfather and I are connected.
Home connects us together.
Living, loving, laughing, playing, and happiness helps us through!
We share the same family.
We share the same love.
We share a feeling of HOME.
We are HOME.
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