A Home to All
A home to all must always be gifted
A home to all always has to be safe
A home to all is a happy place
A home is happy, safe, and gifted.
A home to all is where you and your family live
A home to all is a house that is loved when you come in
A home to all is where your childhood started
A home is filled with love, life, and childhood.
A home to all is a roof over your head that pushes the bad things away
A home to all is a get away from the bad things
A home is where you have hope in one building
A home is where you get away from bad things, have hope in one place, and pushes bad things from happening
A home to all is yours to keep or share
A home is a place where you are accepted for who you are
A home to all is where you belong
A home is where you belong, share, and be accepted for who you are
A home is a place that comforts you, so be happy if you have one place to call home.
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