Home, home makes me feel loved and safe.
When I come home and I see my fridge and pantry, I feel happy.
I am very grateful for everything I have, but the most important thing to me are my family and friends, including my dog, and I always see my dog on my bed and see my dog laying there, because he's always on my bed. Although my dog hogs my bed, I still love him.
I love coming home and seeing my dog because he's always there whining or barking because he's so happy, and if I didn't come home to that everyday I wouldn't feel like coming home.
Coming home and seeing my mom’s plants makes it feel so nice. I don't know why, but to me our house is like a jungle because of how many plants there are.
I feel comfortable and warm in my room because my dog and hamster are in there and that makes my room my room. Luckily, I'm in the family I am in now because I don't know what I would do if I wasn't.