If Home Were a Guitar
If home were a guitar, it would be strumming the most beautiful notes I have ever heard. Home is not just where I eat and sleep it’s where I’m safe and able to share memories with loved ones. Home means love, laughter, peace and joy. I can’t imagine someone without that. Home is where I listen to old records and CD’s with my dad, mom and brother. It’s where I can express all my feelings without feeling embarrassed. When I’m at home I watch movies every Friday with my family. At home I don’t have to think if I’m safe, I can know I’m safe. When I think of home, I don’t just think of four walls and a roof I think of my family that loves me and the conversations we are going to have by the warm and cozy fire. Home is much more then mold and rats. If home were the sky, I would be soaring through the most glories sunset ever seen.