Happy Home Memories
Memories are more than money to me.
Memories are sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows soon to be s’mores.
Memories are all the little holidays like Halloween Christmas or Thanksgiving.
Memories are having someone hugging you before you have good dreams of the past.
Memories are food set on the dinner table that is made for you and it doesn't just fill your stomach it fills your heart.
Memories are made at home.
Everybody deserves a home small or big.
A home holds hearts, love, smiles and tears.
A home is a place I can go when I have a bad day, where a frown is turned into a smile.
A home is where you are welcomed and comfortable when you go to a new house.
Your job is to turn it into a home and make it a comfortable place.
My home is where my heart goes and my smiles.
My home is my happiness.