Have you ever looked at a house and thought, “ I wish my house was like that” “My house is nothing like that”
“ They're so lucky”. But
The definition of home in the dictionary is, “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.”
Well, that is not what I think home is. Some people might define home as that. But, home to me is a place where I feel safe. Home to me is where my family is. Home to me is where I can laugh and have fun.
A house is a place that has walls and a roof. Maybe a couple decor. But, I’ve seen people on the streets not having a house. And not having a home. Not having someone to comfort them and say, “everything will be okay”. If I could I would give all those people on the streets that I’ve seen, a house. And a home. I’d give them someone to comfort them and love them in thick and thin. Warm food to eat and a soft bed to sleep in. Because I feel that everyone deserves a house. And most importantly, a home.
In conclusion, home is where I can feel welcome. Home is where I can laugh and have fun. Home is where my family is. A house and home are very different from each other.
Thank you for reading what I think home is.
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