Home to me is...
Free because I can play out in the snow with my awesome family. When I get lost or do not know where I am I know where my house is. I have two homes I love both, my dad's, and my mom's. I know where both houses are so if I get kidnapped, I will know where to go, also I know what my parents' phone numbers are so I can call them if I get lost.
When my great grandpa was alive it was talking, we talked about traveling like when he went to California, he had pictures of him and my great grandma singing or when we all went to Tennessee. He loved traveling so much. He also talked about the newspaper too whenever there was a comic in the newspaper, we would read it then talk about it to my great grandma. The weather he would always talk about, if it was raining, he would talk about it if there was beautiful sunshine, he would talk about it. Even if it was raining and a beautiful sunshine, he would talk about it.
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