What Does Home Mean to Me?
A home is like a nice warm hug. Home. If you could smell a home it would smell
like a rich chocolaty smell.
If you could taste a home. It would taste like your Grandma's special cookie.
A home is filled with love all the time. The best thing is to go and play a family board game. I have a pretty crazy home. I have 4 brothers and 1 sister but we all make it work. A home is filled with love, craziness and laughter but that's what makes it a home.
A home is filled with love. A house is just 4 walls and a roof. A home is not about money it is about love and spending time with your family. A home and a house. A home is filled with your family and pet and a house is filled with furniture. A house is an apartment or a building. A home is a place where you live or the location. It is where you feel that you belong. A house is made out of walls and beams and a home is made out of the people that you love.
What makes my home special. My home is special because my home is filled with lots of love and lots of family, like I have 45 pets, dogs, bunnies, a horse and a rat. Saturday night dancing in the kitchen. Sunday morning bacon-and-eggs. Friends and family are always welcomed in our home. Hockey bags litter our entrance way. Hockey sticks rest in the corners.
Who makes my home special? The people who makes my home special are my mom and my brothers And then there's my pet Sprinkles, my dog Piper, my rat Polly, Sweetheart, Katie, Connor, Firefly, Coconut, Booger, DJ, Casey, Trouble, Frank, Cookie, T j, and Terminator. And they are the bunnies. That is just to name a few. These are just a few reasons why I love my home.